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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] enquiry - Surface Propulsion

Hi Again,      If anyone is interested in hydrogen peroxide here is a really cool site, this individual sells  H2O2 distillation equipment.
http://www.tecaeromex.com/ingles/indexi.html   I consider H2O2 the common mans equivalent to nuclear power!

Brian Cox
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael B Holt" <tlohm@juno.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 7:38 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] enquiry - Surface Propulsion

> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 08:40:15 -0500 David Buchner writes:
> >
> > Everything Ray said about not using a gasoline engine makes 
> >sense (I 
> >wouldn't trust myself to not get blowed up messing with that). But 
> >it's 
> >a shame, because it would be so handy. For instance, going 
> >all-electric, with a generator to run during surface cruising so you 
> >don't run down your batteries? Do they make small *diesel* portable 
> >generators? One you could lift out topside and start up?
> I've wondered about that.   I think I once saw a diesel generator:
> it was huge.   Just too big for what we have in mind, but it was
> portable.
> > What would it take to make a gasoline *outboard* run after being
> >submerged? Is there any feasible way of fitting all its openings (air 
> >intake, fuel cap, exhaust port, am I missing some?) with valves? And 
> >sealing up all the electric parts with a thick coating of some kind of 
> >glurp? Is this just a hopeless fantasy?
> I would think one of the old 2-cycle outboards would accept this
> treatment easily.   Ever used a British Seagull?   They can be dunked 
> underwater for hours,  then a couple of pulls cleans the water out 
> and away it goes.
> I'd thought of putting a tiny gasoline engine in a compartment of its
> own,
> with the generator.   That seems simple enough, and with a minimum of
> care it wouldn't mess up anyone's day.   
> I have the Gast airmotor handbook, from an old project to do something
> quite different.   Someone had told me that gasoline engines were just
> controlled expansion of gas, so I cast about for a way to do that without
> explosive stuff.   I found hydrogen peroxide!   The project was ended at
> that point.
> Solar cells?   When I was working at the local electric utility, we
> played
> with these for a bit.   Mostly to see what they could for control systems
> at substations ... they just don't give enough power to do much beyond
> drive small computer systems (low volts, low amps).   
> Mike Holt
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