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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] concrete submarine - i did it back in 1994 - worked perfectly

I looked into that extensively. It does work, but
a lot more current then you might be lead to believe.
Unless you have free electricity it is more expensive
then just buying concrete.


--- dinosnider666@spacemail.com wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I am Wilfried Ellmer and i recently did a search
> engine search on my name and 
> > found it connected to a discussion on this board
> about concrete submarine 
> > hulls.
> --
> Very.
> Curious about seacrete. 
> Wais best steel innards system? Was thinking geodome
> of some sort of rebar, chicken wire periodically to
> lay down.
> Can get 1" every 6 weeks.
> Reading lots, think can go faster/ or do better.
> Would be thrilled if anybody knew how to plug in
> sphere/arcs and concrete/etc into the excel
> spreadsheet.
> I'm liberal arts...
> D.

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