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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] enquiry - Surface Propulsion

They actually make diesel equivalents to the general
purpose diesel engines used in generators. In short
you could just get an old gas generator and replace
gas engine with a single cylinder diesel. Robin makes
some of these diesels.


--- David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> wrote:
> (I got a couple weeks behind again.)
> 	Everything Ray said about not using a gasoline
> engine makes sense (I 
> wouldn't trust myself to not get blowed up messing
> with that). But it's 
> a shame, because it would be so handy. For instance,
> going 
> all-electric, with a generator to run during surface
> cruising so you 
> don't run down your batteries? Do they make small
> *diesel* portable 
> generators? One you could lift out topside and start
> up?
> 	What would it take to make a gasoline *outboard*
> run after being 
> submerged? Is there any feasible way of fitting all
> its openings (air 
> intake, fuel cap, exhaust port, am I missing some?)
> with valves? And 
> sealing up all the electric parts with a thick
> coating of some kind of 
> glurp? Is this just a hopeless fantasy?
> On Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 03:35 PM,
> DBACKIDS@aol.com wrote:
> > Regarding using an all electric design or a
> surface tender:
> > Electric: you could easily put cheap solar panels
> on the top of you 
> > sub to provide extra power.
> 	You'd have to float out there a LONG time to put
> any useful charge 
> into a deep cycle battery. That, or have a few
> hundred square feet of 
> panels you could fold out and float on the surface.
> Which, come to 
> think of it, would be really, really cool. What a
> guy needs is a 
> space-program-surplus outlet, with some of those
> high-power intricately 
> folding panels...
> 	Right now, it's overcast - and I'm taking in less
> power than I'm using 
> by reading e-mail on a laptop, and running the
> aquarium filter. I'll 
> have to start the generator later. I'm not saying
> it's not magical cool 
> free energy -- it's just not *that* magical...

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