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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sensor Interfacing

That humidity part is important for any system.
conformal coating, AND water tight enclosures should
used. On most systems simply touching the crystal will
cause an oscillator fault. (Which will generate a
on most systems.) Water, obviously is much worse...And
salt water...Evil. I guess I'm not a big fan of
but if you are then the National Instruments systems
might just be a good choice.


--- "Sean T. Stevenson" <sts@telus.net> wrote:
> You can actually get away from PC/OS based solutions
> entirely for about the same cost as a good
> industrial computer.  I have some experience using
> National Instruments' Compact Fieldpoint controller,
> which allows you to run software written in LabVIEW
> (on a PC) in real-time on the controller.  A variety
> of different modules (analog input, analog output,
> digital input, digital output, PWM control,
> thermocouple, etc.) are available for the compact
> fieldpoint system.
> Whatever you decide to do, make sure that the
> hardware will work in a 100% humidity environment.  
> You may need an additional enclosure.
> -Sean
> Quoting Warren Greenway <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>:
> > The only problem will be the reliablilty. If the
> > system
> > is non-critical, then have fun...However, if your
> life
> > depends on the system or your safety is affected
> by it
> > 
> > in any way...Then please avoid PC based solutions.
> I
> > don't want to see the obituaries of any folks on
> list
> > list because of a system malfunction. If you want
> to
> > use an off the shelf system, try searching on
> google
> > for
> > a single board industrial computer. There are some
> > nice
> > ones that are extremely reliable.
> > 
> > Warren.
> > 
> > --- Adam Lawrence <adteleka@in-tch.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Peter,
> > > 
> > > I am also just learning about control system
> > > hardware and software. At
> > > school we are using this
> > > http://www.omega.com/DAS/pdf/CIO-DAS08.pdf board
> in
> > > a PC along with VisSim http://www.vissim.com/
> > > software to graphically
> > > construct mathematical operations to control and
> > > monitor some
> > > instrumentation. It is very easy to use. We are
> > > using it to look at certain
> > > aspects of steam turbine power plants. It could
> also
> > > be used in a psub.
> > > 
> > > Adam

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