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[PSUBS-MAILIST] re: upright cylinder idea

Hmm. Tube with arms - certainly makes body simple. 
After all, how much does one use legs anyway?
Kinda like RPG game Jovian Chronicles - the Siren - just the arms.

Howzabout travel to and fro in low drag and low comfort shape, 'n swith once there to do work or 'tour'. Require complex ballast arrangment.
Maybe double hull on back half, flood outer to flip upright??

Any way to get proceeding from cons of last few years? Tech specs from subs?
Ryan needs 30,000lbs ballast. Even at a buck a pound, a steal for recycled lead, adds up. Trying to figure out if he can 'roll his own' - hopes solar furnace will work, but may hafta use propane. 
I suggested a double hull and seawater ballast for the first. Way reduces the cost. I don't think actually using the first one for tourists is great idea, since the parts aren't all brand-new.
I think the first one should just be 'proof of concept'.
Feedback? PS - based on c. 30x7' water tank.
PS - how does one make portholes thru a double hull?