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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] status report


I really must applaud your innovative design and choice of materials. I would be
curious to hear if anyone in the group has information on ferrocement deep sea
structures. I believe I once saw an article in a trade magazine for cement
technology on spheres that were submerged at fairly deep depths, and the water
intrusion measured after some period of time (basically there wasn't very much).
Does anyone else have any comments about ferrocement usage in underwater structures?


Quoting Brian Cox <ojaibees@ojai.net>:

> Status Report  ..................from Brian Cox
> Project :  ESMAE   Electric SubMersible with Articulating Entry
> Progress:  1) Have posted my preliminary design on the moki exchange.
> (however it keeps changing and morphing hourly).
>                    2) Have build scaffolding for construction of outer
> superstructure shell  ( ferro-cement construction)
>                    3) Have built moch-up of pressure hull (so I can get
> an idea where all these valves are going to go, also for testing the
> cable connections for my stick and rudder controls, and also for testing
> the scrubber and O2 monitor.)
> Continuing Education:  Taking machine shop class at Ventura collage.
> Current reading:  Structures (or why things don't fall down)
> Comments:  Though I'm sticking to my basic design concept of a " Flip"
> sub.  I've realized that I really do not need trim tanks and I will
> balance the sub with weights.  I've moved my air for buoyancy outside
> the shell and replaced that space with more flotation capacity.  I am
> currently playing with the size of my hard ballast tank that will bring
> the nose of my craft up horizontal and ready for cruising, since the
> nose will be heavy with the battery pod( a benefit when flipped).
> Future Goals:    1) Settle on design and start on steel matrix for
> ferro-cement shell.
>                            2)  Start diving more with Bob
> http://covenantdivecharters.com/
>                            3)  get certified for rebreather equipment
>                            4)  put up home page with pictures and info
> on my progress