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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Wooden Submarine (attn. Mike Holt)

On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:24:30 -0700 (PDT) Alan Winick writes:
>Remember the wooden sub constructed by Helle? Plywood
>rings layered and layered and layered together to form
>an eggshape hull. Was used for u/w sound testing, I
>think. Check original Busby for photo.

I talked with the guy who built it.   In about 1988, when it was
over 20 years old.  He still had the thing, intact and probably
operable, in a garage.   His wife wanted to give it to me.

He didn't have plans.   Apparently, he'd just built it and after
it was constructed he did the math and added the ballast
tanks.  He said he never worried about diving in it.

Mike Holt

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