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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Wooden Submarine (attn. Mike Holt)

Remember the wooden sub constructed by Helle? Plywood
rings layered and layered and layered together to form
an eggshape hull. Was used for u/w sound testing, I
think. Check original Busby for photo.


--- David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> wrote:
> I found this while doing a web search on a whim, on
> "wooden submarine."
> Begging pardon if somebody's already discussed this
> one before... I 
> don't recall it, though.
> "Hampton's Unique Submarine Of The 1920's"
> > "The wooden submarine was beached in the sand
> dunes off Johnson Avenue 
> > for more than 10 years and it served as the summer
> home for its owner 
> > and builder, Thomas Buckley.
> The thing was HUGE. There's a picture.
> (Also. I caught a bit of a movie on TV at my dad's
> the other day, with 
> William Hurt in it. It seemed kind of weird and
> gloomy -- but the part 
> that caught my attention was his friend who had
> built a submarine in 
> his garage, and they rolled it down to the water and
> cruised around. 
> The title is RARE BIRDS (2001). Anybody know whether
> they used 
> somebody's sub to film it? Most of it looks
> farfetched, but the hull is 
> vaguely familiar.)

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