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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Wooden Submarine (attn. Mike Holt)

I found this while doing a web search on a whim, on "wooden submarine."

Begging pardon if somebody's already discussed this one before... I 
don't recall it, though.

"Hampton's Unique Submarine Of The 1920's"

> "The wooden submarine was beached in the sand dunes off Johnson Avenue 
> for more than 10 years and it served as the summer home for its owner 
> and builder, Thomas Buckley.

The thing was HUGE. There's a picture.

(Also. I caught a bit of a movie on TV at my dad's the other day, with 
William Hurt in it. It seemed kind of weird and gloomy -- but the part 
that caught my attention was his friend who had built a submarine in 
his garage, and they rolled it down to the water and cruised around. 
The title is RARE BIRDS (2001). Anybody know whether they used 
somebody's sub to film it? Most of it looks farfetched, but the hull is 
vaguely familiar.)