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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention Videos

Hi Folks,

OK, I'll expose my ignorance. I have a old PC that will read CDs but 
will not write them nor read DVD's. So when someone starts talking about
CDR media, DVD, DVT... formats.

Can someone spell out what formats there are and which are reproducible 
at low cost and what equipment is needed.


Warren Greenway wrote:
> You know folks, you can make VCD and other format
> video
> disks on standard CDR media for $0.30 each that will 
> play on any PC and most DVD players. Just thought I'd
> mention this, since DVD burning is still not the 
> cheapest or smoothest thing.
> Warren.
> --- Alec Smyth <Asmyth@changepoint.com> wrote:
>>Just to clarify this... I'll be happy to tape and
>>edit. The work should
>>take me about 2 weeks to complete, based on my
>>experience last year (and
>>hopefully I've learned something since then!) The
>>media will cost about
>>$100, which PSUBS can consider a donation. However,
>>what I cannot do is
>>mass produce DVDs, because my burner takes a huge
>>amount of time to do
>>each one. I remember leaving it working overnight
>>last year. It was so
>>time-consuming that I couldn't face producing a
>>second set for myself,
>>and sent Ray the originals.
>>If anyone has the capacity to make lots of copies,
>>whether on DVD or
>>VHS, I'm sure Ray would like to hear from you. The
>>"raw material" for
>>such a copying operation could be either DVDs or DV
>>tapes, in NTSC
>>format, but I have no VHS equipment. 
>>I was just afraid that reading the preceding
>>message, folks might get
>>the impression they could "order" DVDs from me, when
>>I just don't have
>>the ability to produce them.
>>It would be *really* nice if last year's talks were
>>available at this
>>year's convention, after all the work the presenters
>>put into their
>>talks and the effort Ray put into organizing it.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jonathan Wallace [mailto:jon@psubs.org] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:40 PM
>>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention
>>>Is Carsten coming to the convention!!!  For those
>>of us not able to 
>>>attend will there be any type of Q&A  with and
>>internet hook up?
>>Just to confirm what Ray said.  Carsten has already
>>said that he will
>>not be attending the conference this year.  The
>>conference will not be
>>webcast and I don't believe we have an Internet
>>connection available
>>in the conference room.  However, Alec Smyth has
>>offered to tape the
>>event and create CD's or DVD's for distribution
>>after the fact.  It
>>will be up to Alec to determine what the cost of the
>>disks will be 
>>but I'm sure we'll have more info in late August.
>>This is probably a good reminder however.  We are
>>exactly one month
>>away from the convention.  There are still some
>>people who have not
>>submitted payment yet, so please send it in or use
>>PayPal asap so we
>>can cover expenses.  Also, if you are a presenter,
>>please forward me
>>your presentation in .doc, .ppt, or .pdf format so
>>people can follow
>>along in their binders.
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