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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention

You know folks, you can make VCD and other format
disks on standard CDR media for $0.30 each that will 
play on any PC and most DVD players. Just thought I'd
mention this, since DVD burning is still not the 
cheapest or smoothest thing.


--- Alec Smyth <Asmyth@changepoint.com> wrote:
> Just to clarify this... I'll be happy to tape and
> edit. The work should
> take me about 2 weeks to complete, based on my
> experience last year (and
> hopefully I've learned something since then!) The
> media will cost about
> $100, which PSUBS can consider a donation. However,
> what I cannot do is
> mass produce DVDs, because my burner takes a huge
> amount of time to do
> each one. I remember leaving it working overnight
> last year. It was so
> time-consuming that I couldn't face producing a
> second set for myself,
> and sent Ray the originals.
> If anyone has the capacity to make lots of copies,
> whether on DVD or
> VHS, I'm sure Ray would like to hear from you. The
> "raw material" for
> such a copying operation could be either DVDs or DV
> tapes, in NTSC
> format, but I have no VHS equipment. 
> I was just afraid that reading the preceding
> message, folks might get
> the impression they could "order" DVDs from me, when
> I just don't have
> the ability to produce them.
> It would be *really* nice if last year's talks were
> available at this
> year's convention, after all the work the presenters
> put into their
> talks and the effort Ray put into organizing it.
> Thanks,
> Alec
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Wallace [mailto:jon@psubs.org] 
> Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:40 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention
> > Is Carsten coming to the convention!!!  For those
> of us not able to 
> > attend will there be any type of Q&A  with and
> internet hook up?
> Just to confirm what Ray said.  Carsten has already
> said that he will
> not be attending the conference this year.  The
> conference will not be
> webcast and I don't believe we have an Internet
> connection available
> in the conference room.  However, Alec Smyth has
> offered to tape the
> event and create CD's or DVD's for distribution
> after the fact.  It
> will be up to Alec to determine what the cost of the
> disks will be 
> but I'm sure we'll have more info in late August.
> This is probably a good reminder however.  We are
> exactly one month
> away from the convention.  There are still some
> people who have not
> submitted payment yet, so please send it in or use
> PayPal asap so we
> can cover expenses.  Also, if you are a presenter,
> please forward me
> your presentation in .doc, .ppt, or .pdf format so
> people can follow
> along in their binders.
> Thanks,
> Jon

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