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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure Compensated Trolling Motor Question

That could work. Put a one-way trap filter inside the
trolling motor housing. Why not?


--- Chris Nugent <dirkpitt77@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, I'm tired and I have the flu, and on top of that
> know nothing much besides the basic idea behind
> pressure compensation, so don't hold this question
> against me.  But, it occurred to me, and here it is:
>  What about using the trolling motor itself to drive
> a pump to move the compensating fluid through the
> filter?  
>     Too much power loss?  Too complicated?
>    Nuge
> Michael Wright <mwright@smallip.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I have a question for anyone using Liquid
> Compensated Trolling motors.
> I've heard that the drawback to them is that the
> carbon dust from the 
> brushes goes into suspension and eventualy causes a
> ground fault to the 
> case (or direct short if no ground fault detection
> is used). This seems 
> quite plausible with the simple solution being to
> change the 
> compensating fluid regularly.
> The quesitons I have are: Is this a problem worth
> solving in a better 
> way? Is the particle size large enough for an
> automotovie oil filter to 
> catch them?
> The trick I think is to use a drill powered oil
> change pump to circulate 
> the compensating fluid through the filter. Since the
> pump has no motor 
> and no air spaces it is pressure compensated by the
> thruster fluid. 
> Cycling the full volume of oil through the filter
> would take less than a 
> minute and could be done with a cordless drill (safe
> and expendable). 
> Since the compensating system stays closed there is
> no mess and no need 
> to bleed the air out of the system.
> So that's the idea.
> mike
> ---------------------------------
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