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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure Compensated Trolling Motor Question

Ok, I'm tired and I have the flu, and on top of that know nothing much besides the basic idea behind pressure compensation, so don't hold this question against me.  But, it occurred to me, and here it is:  What about using the trolling motor itself to drive a pump to move the compensating fluid through the filter? 
    Too much power loss?  Too complicated?

Michael Wright <mwright@smallip.com> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I have a question for anyone using Liquid Compensated Trolling motors.

I've heard that the drawback to them is that the carbon dust from the
brushes goes into suspension and eventualy causes a ground fault to the
case (or direct short if no ground fault detection is used). This seems
quite plausible with the simple solution being to change the
compensating fluid regularly.

The quesitons I have are: Is this a problem worth solving in a better
way? Is the particle size large enough for an automotovie oil filter to
catch them?

The trick I think is to use a drill powered oil change pump to circulate
the compensating fluid through the filter. Since the pump has no motor
and no air spaces it is pressure compensated by the thruster fluid.
Cycling the full volume of oil through the filter would take less than a
minute and could be done with a cordless drill (safe and expendable).
Since the compensating system stays closed there is no mess and no need
to bleed the air out of the system.

So that's the idea.


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