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Ventilation water trap was [PSUBS-MAILIST] Main ballast.

Hi Chris, 

Sgt.Peppers has no tower or deck and for this reason all pipes inside -
and this kind of water-pipe-trap in the ventilation pipe way. It dives
the first dive of the day - but after surfaceing it didn't dive a second 
time. The water in the trap prevent that.  I have to open the hatch, 
come out with a small hosepipe - put this on the ventilation outlet, 
open the divevalve - vaccum the water out of the trap via the hose
conection from the outlet to my mouth.. If the water is out I hear 
the sound from the blowing outlet and can close the hatch and dive. 
The Trap is deep and the tank is shallow. 

It must be easy to calculate that, The pressure 
on the beginning of the captured water is more or less 
equal to the pressure on the softtank bottom hole. 
If you knows how high the water trap is - you can calculate
if opening the vale blows the line or not. 

  tank      trap   outlet
  IIIII          II
 I    ======II   II
I     I     II   II
I     I     II   II
 I    I     =I===II
  II  I

regards Carsten