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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of starting flame wars ...

Hi Steve,

At 17:52 5/7/03 -0700, you wrote:
>Speaking of Australia. I hear there is a breed of shepherding
>dogs that are one the smartest canines in the world.

they are a kelpie cross.  very, very smart, but then farmers here have 
exerted some pretty fierce evolutonary pressure :)

my sister calls the rejects 'gully dogs' (they end up dead in the nearest 
gully).  I knew a guy that shot a dog from his bedroom window at 2am 
because it didnt understand 'shut-up'.

about 12mths ago i watched the family rounding up some cattle.  the dogs 
would slink thru the grass and keep the mob together and moving by 
lightning attacks on stragglers and slow beasts.  What amazed me was the 
horse my 11yr old nephew was on would charge the bull and larger steers 
when they resisted - biting them on the neck and shoulders - he had to hold 
on - but this was a human observer only task - the horses and dogs had it 
under control :)

im pretty sure my sister wouldnt TRADE the dogs or horses - but she always 
considers straight cash offers :)
