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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of starting flame wars ...

>From: nicklas_lundin <nicklas_lundin@hotmail.com>
> *how-how*... you just cant help loving u...
> in sweden its ewen a big NO-NO, to spread asches.(land/sea/air)..whitout
> proper paperwork,, and ewen then its hard to get the "license".
> i can imagin what they will say if iŽd come w a sub-schaped
> coffin..(slam-flatnose).
> my money is on an accident,Opps whit a hymn...

So, the "viking's funeral" is out of the question in Sweden?
Has anyone ever been buried in this manner in recent times?

This subject may seem an odd one, but I came across a book
at Barnes & Noble on "How to Build Your Own Coffin". Bizarre!
