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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Speaking of starting flame wars ...

>From: Pierre Poulin <pipo305@hotmail.com>
> You guys are so stange...

Okay, you want strange. Here's a question.

Does anyone know or have heard of a person being buried
in a submersible or sub shaped coffin [ at sea or in the ground].
after their demise?

[ and note, I am not counting the brave souls who lost their lives
at sea in a sub..."iron coffins"..., regardless of nationality and
regardless of times of war or peace ].

I ask this because last year I had to make funereal arrangements
for a close relative and among the arrangements was following
instructions as to the characteristics of the burial.  Also, in conferring
with a close relative, I was shocked to find out that I had funereal
insurance coverage on me since I was 16.  So, I asked myself the
macabre question, "How do I want to be buried?" Quietly or with
some "character" and "fanfare"?  How about a facsimle of Lake's
Argonaut Jr.?  Or the Nautilus?
Crush depth would be inconsequentual. It could be a wetsub?

It's not unheard of for people to be buried with a theme or characteristic
in mind.  The pyramids are an example.  I believe or it's rumored that
Liberace was buried in a piano shaped coffin.  Sir Richard Burton
[ the explorer, not the actor ] and his wife are entombed in a pyramid
structure. I have heard of persons buried in their favorite car.

So how about it guys?  Too strange and bizarre for commentary?
The grim reaper has everyone's name carved on that scythe's shaft!

If I ever build a pSub, it just could be a coffin shaped as one...a last
testament from a "Submadman".
