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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Computers Onboard

You mean, no.....no.....no Space Invaders or PacMan?!?!?!  That sucks!

I’m not using a PC anywhere. Just a PLC (programmable logic controller).
Yes, that’s sort of a computer, but it’s a far
more reliable piece of equipment than a PC. I’m using it mostly for
passive monitoring through transducers, and for
controlling an external video camera. The only independent action it
will take is release oxygen into the cabin, but
there will be a mechanical override available. I was going to go 100%
mechanical on that before, but grew convinced of
trying the plc route instead because I like the inherent flexibility.
Being my first sub, I am not 100% sure what
thresholds will have to be set at, and it’s really easy to modify them
when you go electronic.

"Indeed, desire is the seed of thought, the prime force that activates
the mechanism of the mind." -- Kama Sutra