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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Computers Onboard

I’m not using a PC anywhere. Just a PLC (programmable logic controller). Yes, that’s sort of a computer, but it’s a far more reliable piece of equipment than a PC. I’m using it mostly for passive monitoring through transducers, and for controlling an external video camera. The only independent action it will take is release oxygen into the cabin, but there will be a mechanical override available. I was going to go 100% mechanical on that before, but grew convinced of trying the plc route instead because I like the inherent flexibility. Being my first sub, I am not 100% sure what thresholds will have to be set at, and it’s really easy to modify them when you go electronic.




-----Original Message-----
From: Dan H. [mailto:JMachine@adelphia.net]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 8:46 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Computers Onboard


All the talk of laptops and PC's on board a P-sub has got me wondering.

I'm building a K-350.  Am I building it the "old way," with wires and switches?


To be sure, there is a lot to be said for simplicity in the sub world.  Safety is the number one concern followed closely by power conservation.  I imagine a computer would have it's benefits in many ways.  One would be managing the power available and the loads, not to mention coupling monitoring systems and control systems.  But, in a low budget sub, a P-sub, say $15,000, is it really necessary or are we complicating things with a risk to safety if their is a glitch in the system.


Just for my curiosity; how many P-subs owners, the ones that actually have a sub and have gotten it wet, have PC's installed in them?  A show of hands, please. 


Maybe I'm cautious.  Maybe I'm old! 

Thanks, Dan H.