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Right, I'll figure out those viewports. I have to
all the pieces of the hull in one step, or the
won't accept it. Getting the viewports swept into the
hull all in the same step is pretty tricky. If I could
just run the hull the way I would normally model it, 
then this would be easy. But yes, it looks like the
conning tower will actually be one of the stronger
areas. I was also suprised by that.


--- Thijs Struijs <thijs-struijs@planet.nl> wrote:
> Thank you Warren,
> It looks very promissing! Although there are no
> viewports in it yet, there
> seems to be no problem with the conning tower. This
> was concerning me the
> most.
> I am working on the streamlining now. I hope to sent
> some ideas in a view
> days.
> Thijs Struijs
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Warren Greenway" <opensourcesub@yahoo.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2003 2:58 AM
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS FEA Report
> >
> > Above is the link to the FEA report for Thjis'
> hull
> > concept. At 200 psi it had a 3.75X safety factor,
> > which
> > isn't made clear in the report. You can see the
> even
> > pressure distribution, however.
> >
> > Warren.
> >
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