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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Computers Onboard

I don't think you're being overly cautious. I wouldn't
install a PC in my sub! (Don't have one yet, but
I WOULD install a computer, but it would be a custom
embedded system, since that is what I do for a living
anyway, and there would be a manual over-ride for 
everything. PCs aren't reliable, and never will be.


--- "Dan H." <JMachine@adelphia.net> wrote:
> All the talk of laptops and PC's on board a P-sub
> has got me wondering.
> I'm building a K-350.  Am I building it the "old
> way," with wires and switches? 
> To be sure, there is a lot to be said for simplicity
> in the sub world.  Safety is the number one concern
> followed closely by power conservation.  I imagine a
> computer would have it's benefits in many ways.  One
> would be managing the power available and the loads,
> not to mention coupling monitoring systems and
> control systems.  But, in a low budget sub, a P-sub,
> say $15,000, is it really necessary or are we
> complicating things with a risk to safety if their
> is a glitch in the system.
> Just for my curiosity; how many P-subs owners, the
> ones that actually have a sub and have gotten it
> wet, have PC's installed in them?  A show of hands,
> please.  
> Maybe I'm cautious.  Maybe I'm old!  
> Thanks, Dan H.

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