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Anyone watch JAG last night?  At the very end of the show the good guys figure out that terrorists have some high explosives packed into an RV and are going to send it after a warship.  They showed the ROV for all of about 5 seconds. 

Am happy to report I just received my Nitrox certification.  I was rather bored with the course since I had learned all the information already.  I should have just taken the course years ago rather than learn everything about it first.   Next weekend I'm taking Underwater Navigation and Limited Visibility/Night Diving.  I have so far learned nothing from the reading/homework for those classes but am looking forward to being able to practice my diving in the water.

I obtained two new flashlights for night diving.   I can't help but think that they would make good emergency light sources in a p-sub.  They were expensive but I am very happy with them.  The model is: Trek
Expedition 1900 Aluminum Limited Edition model.  For those looking for a cheaper model the Trek 19 can be had in a plastic model which were advertised as being developed for the special forces.  They take 3 C cells each, and have a lighting time of 24 hrs.  They each have dual o-rings and are reportedly waterproof to 330m.  I'm planning on attaching them to retractable reels which clip to my BCD.  (No I have no financial interest in promoting them, I just appreciate something well constructed.)
