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[PSUBS-MAILIST] fantasy sub picture

     I remember when I was about 12 or 13 years old (say around 1963) going 
to the only theater in my home town of Springhill, LA to see a movie that 
was about one half cartoon and the other half actors and sets.  The movie 
was about old submarines, fantasy in nature.  Of course being interested in 
subs from my earliest years, I found it fascinating and watched it several 
times.  At say 50 cents per showing, I probably spent a grand total of 
$1.50 just watching it!
     As I remember this movie, it was very interesting, but, then I was 
only about 13 years old.  Does anyone know what the name of this movie 
was?  I have not seen a single reference to it since.  The photo below 
reminded me of the subs in this old black and white movie.

Gary Boucher

At 09:14 AM 4/13/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Not strictly useful or topical, but I get the impression there's several 
>here besides me who collect toys and images, and might enjoy this picture 
>I stumbled upon while looking for something else.