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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Miscellanous ideas

I just had an idea- a remote submersible continuesly playing Barney the
Dead Lizard's "I love you, you love me, we love everybody...."   :)

Coalbunny wrote:
> Actually, I was envisioning me and my sub hanging around the bottom of
> Puget sound, with some music playing.  In hopes of letting other vessels
> know that someone's down there.  Would it scare the fish away?  Only
> when played, I suppose.  Maybe.  I don't know.  Who knows, maybe they'll
> like it.  Gets me to think about something kinda like what we used when
> I was doing some work for the State of Utah Department of Wildlife
> Resources, Fisheries Division.  They had these electric probes in the
> water and the fish were drawn to the negative probe.  Did that for fish
> counting.  Amazing how they are drawn to it like a magnet.  Now, if I
> had something like that on a sub, I can imagine the fun I'd have when
> approached by sharks....    YEEEEHAW!
> Carl
> Steven Mills wrote:
> >
> > >From: Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com>
> >
> > > I have wondered about colliding with surface craft.  What could be done
> > > to prevent that?  Then I came up with an idea- music.  In particular,
> > > rock and roll (my favorite) or even that sleepy elevator music.  While I
> > > would be looking for fish (I like fish), I'm figuring that if a surface
> > > craft can't hear that underwater music, then I outta be able to hear
> > > them.
> > > Carl
> > >
> >
> > Jeez Carl....elevator music? Are you trying to drive the fish away?
> > Or perhaps this will stun them for easy pickins' ?  : )
> > How about a little Hendrix or Stevie Ray Vaughn? Surface craft
> > ought to pick that up !  Don't play elevator music, they might want
> > to ram or depth charge you.
> >
> > --Steve
> --
> "You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
> it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
> you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai
> Khan

"You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai