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Re: Re: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Blue-green laser

Another of the many unfinished projects littering my garage are the parts to grind and assemble a set of binoculars with an 8 inch aperture (for each mirror).

the reason i decided on binoculars was to use the built in 3D processing of the brain.  this would make the image brightness greater than the combined collecting surface of the mirrors (ie brighter than a single mirror of the same combined surface area)

the brain also would cancel out the effects of atmospheric ripples (heat mostly) leaving a steady image.  this can only happen if each eye receives a different image - and this is why i suggested the goggles.

i agree, they would be inconvenient, and i dont believe the head tracking and image panning software is really responsive at present.

maybe not a workable idea at present, still its more thoughts to consider.  btw i LOVE the collision detection software idea :))

> I personally would like to display this type of data
on an LCD. I don't want goggles over my eyes in this
situation, and I have seen the problems with getting
a projection system to perform. Light amplification
is a great idea though. It would be nice to be able
to see using a few different methods, so that adverse
conditions don't douse your campfire.
