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[PSUBS-MAILIST] From another list:

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Subject: [Y-L] PCs on the boat
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2003 17:57:43 -0500

But just in case you are building a 50foot boat and plan to put a PC 
inside, you might want to look at this link below.   Sure you can buy a 
laptop or a used system, but what fun you can have finding a place to 
put this?
The motherboards are 6.5 inches square and include the processor and 
most useful interfaces.   You can build a system cheap.
Try this home page http://www.mini-itx.com

check out the cool case "mods" as they are called.  See the projects 
page.  I like the toaster one, but some may like the BubbaComp  

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