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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

>From: Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com>
> A few years back there was a buddy of mine that had some land in Eastern
> Utah.  He found some raptor-like lizard buried there and the BLM told
> him he couldn't touch it.........snip...............
> Sorry, rambling again.
> Carl

Indeed, Carl, don't get me started. Unfortunately this is not a singular
or isolated incident.  There are other cases just as incidious.

My concerns would be bureaucratic redtape and restrictions imposed
on personal submersibles.  There's already talk about putting a clamp
on model rocketry because of security risks.  I know....what does model
rocketry have to do with pSubs? Nothing and everything.  Legal things
tend to have a cascading effect and once precedence is in place it can
have an effect in other areas.

If anyone took the time to read some of the messages in the Slasdot

Ref : Thursday, February 20, 2003 4:11 AM "Check this out!"
> "Dale A. Raby" wrote:
> Well, gentlemen, we have been "Slashdotted"!
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/02/19/177211

There were more than a few messages expressing concern about pSubs
being a risk to "homeland security'.

I don't expect nor is it my intent to extend this topic beyond this message.
However, it might behoove some of us to keep vigilant watch on any
legislation that will preclude an honest pursuit among honest and sincere
individuals engaged in the science and engineering of submersibles
and exploration.

There ! Enough said. I'll shut up now.
