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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)

A few years back there was a buddy of mine that had some land in Eastern
Utah.  He found some raptor-like lizard buried there and the BLM told
him he couldn't touch it.  His land, he even owns/owned the mineral
rights.  But he couldn't touch it, or so they said.  Six months later a
batch of Japanese paleos hit his property, trenched, took a lot of the
dead lizard stuff, and basically did a lot of damage to the land.  Yet
for some reason the BLM wouldn't do anything about it.  It was
essnetially theft, and they weren't with a college or univesity.  But
they did it, and he got stuck with cleaning up the mess.

That may have been their "fatal" mistake though.  That area where he has
that land is also heavily mined for uranium.  How do you think he found
the bones to begion with?  A scientilometer, which is a radiation
detector.  reminds me of a time I met some europians near the same area
a few years before, and they found an outcrop where there was some
tyuyumenite (uranium ore).  It's yellow and powdery.  They decided to
make "war paint" out of it for their kids.  Indians did in the old west,
so why not?  They sure looked uneasy when I told them about it being
radioactive, though.

Sorry, rambling again.

Steven Mills wrote:
> >From: E.L. King <crusader-x@comcast.net>
> >Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Empress of Ireland (was: Forbes story)
> > >
> > > This echoes a question asked a little while back: what are we
> > > going to do with our subs?
> > >
> > > Mike H.
> >
> > Safe?  With proper precaution I would think it would be relatively
> > safe.  Although, there is always an element of risk.  I've always had
> > an interest in Undersea Archaeology.  I would Love to see a shipwreck
> > from my own sub.  I've seen, as most of you probably have, footage of
> > the Titanic taken from a sub.  It sent chills down my spine, I can only
> > imagine what it must be like to actually be down there.
> >
> > Erick
> >
> Something you might want to consider and check-out before doing
> any exploring on your own [ on dry land or uw ].  The feds and many
> states now have antiquity laws and regulations that prohibit this.
> Most of the regs deal with the taking of artifacts and damaging sites
> but some cover "trespassing" in designated areas which can result
> in heavy fines and/or imprisonment.
> There is a famous federal court case involving "Sue" a TRex uncovered
> in Montana (?).  These people went through hell and were eventually
> exonerated on most of the charges, but still got heavily fined for other
> minor ones.
> --Steve

"You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai