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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alternative hull material

No, you aren't off base. I will look forward to seeing
your progress. Remember, though, light isn't good with
a sub...And you can use that to your advantage. You
lay up nested structures using GRP, it will end up
kill thick in some areas, but you can streamline it
from there. Just never forget that you structures must
stay evenly in compression. Good luck, and be careful!


--- Tim Reilly <TimR@cclengineering.com> wrote:
> If anybody wants a real idea of what composites can
> do, go to the Deepflight
> web page and take a look at the Aviator.
> http://www.deepflight.com
> <http://www.deepflight.com> 
> As I am building my vehicle I will try to keep
> everybody updated on the
> tests that I am doing.  I will also be asking for
> people to act very
> negative (devil's advocate), so as to make sure if
> there is any aspect of
> testing that I might have forgotten.  
> The main reason for the composites, is to get the
> vehicle the way I want it.
> I want a sub that is not only good looking but
> efficient, and I don't see
> that with traditionally shaped hulls and super
> structures.  I could be
> completely off base, we will see.  
> It is going to be quite a while before I start
> building.  I am still in the
> research stage.
> Thanks for your ear.
> Tim R.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thijs Struijs [mailto:thijs-struijs@planet.nl]
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 1:08 PM
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Alternative hull material
> Michael (2x),
> I considered building a sub out of GRP
> (glass-polyesther). This is easier to
> handle than kevlar-epoxy and a lot cheaper. I
> changed my mind because both
> materials have unknown specs. The strenght depends
> on a lot of factors such
> as the know-how of the builder, the quality of the
> resin, the way different
> types of cloth are used and so on.  It can be done
> of course, the LR5 is a
> good example. But for an amateur like me i thouhgt
> it would be far more
> simple and cheaper to use steel. When you use steel
> you can simply have a
> look in the books and find out how to make the
> details such as though-hulls,
> viewports and so on. 
> Another problem is formed by the unknown decline of
> the material as a result
> of water pentrated in the laminate. This means that
> you can do an unmanned
> pressure test but you will never know in what
> condition it is after a view
> years. If you use A516 you can be sure that after a
> hundred years it's still
> the same A516 steel.  
> Thijs Struijs  

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