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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Hello everybody

I'm new to Psubs but have been interested since I was in the Navy as a Sonar tech.  I have always wanted to build my own sub.
I am most interested in underwater flight like that which the Deepflight Aviator is for.  I have been researching a lot of info.  I was wondering if any body has an easy way to figure airfoil (hydrofoil) cross-sections. 
I was also starting to look through the archives and found a reference to a program for figuring out hull thickness.  The material of choice for me is composites  (fiberglass, carbonfiber, etc.,), because I have the most experience with them.  If any body has the engineering info for these materials and\or a reference for the numbers, it would be greatly welcome.
Has anybody tried to install a side-scan sonar laterally down the hull of any of their boats?  Info on the results would be interesting.
The type of sub I am designing is going to be an underwater power glider.  If any body is familiar with the airplane type powergliders they are pretty much airplanes with longer wings so they don't need as much power to stay up.  Or the engin can be used to get the plane to altitude then shut down for a glide.
Well it seems like I am rambling.  Again any info would be welcome.