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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] a rememberance of things past

>From: ToolRoomTrustee@aol.com
>Some of us elder flatulences might remember when even working class guys
>were assumed to be literate (as opposed to illiterate) and there were magazines
>for them.  Generally the cheaper the magazine or the lower brow the aimed
>clientele was, the more lurid the cover and the verbiage on it. 
>Anybody else here rememeber that magazine?
>I wonder if that was faked?
I recall "True" magazine and "Saga" which were a collection of stories and
expose' supposedly based on fact and true accounts. However, these were
largely illustrated. I do recall a few submarine stories, but not the ones you
Also, during the 50s, scifi was considered trash for misfits and ne'er-do-wells.
'You' would be severely reprimanded at school if caught with one of these books
or magazines [ and confiscated, so the teacher could sneak-off and read them ;-)
I see very few used magazines in 2nd hand bookshelves now-a-days. I collected
old Scientific Americans. However, there is ( was?) a great 2nd-hand seller on
Taylor Street in SF near the GoldenGate Theater.  They had a good collection of
nautical and marine engineering mags and texts.
Anyone here live in SF?