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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] a rememberance of things past

On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 13:50:07 EST ToolRoomTrustee@aol.com writes:
>Some of us elder flatulences might remember when even working class 
>guys were assumed to be literate (as opposed to illiterate) and there
>magazines for them.  Generally the cheaper the magazine or the lower
brow the 
>aimed clientele was, the more lurid the cover and the verbiage on it.  

Do you remember Coronet magazine?

>So....sometime in late 50s or early 60s I saw one that had a series
>of photographs ostensibly taken in a U-boat as it was being depth 

Wow.    I don't recall that.

>The first was presumed to be taken as the control room gang heard a
>depth charge hit the water and then their reactions as it approached 
>them with the last shot being just before it killed them.  I assume a 
>waterproof camera and it was salvaged from the shallow water sunk 

There certainly were enough subs sunk in shallow water for recovery
to have been possible.

>Anybody else here rememeber that magazine?
>I wonder if that was faked?

Someone needs to look for that, to add it to the mythology.

Speaking of mythology,  I'm thinking about making a list of 
fictional subs with their hull numbers.   So far I've noticed 
SS502 (Thunderfish, from "Operation Pacific") and SS509 
(Tigerfish, from "Ice Station Zebra").

Mike H.

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