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[PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS Electric Dehumidifier

I had a moment to jot down a drawing with Dia to show
roughly how this works. These are extremely simple and
economical devices to build. You get a 12V peltier
cooler, or a row of them in parallel, and you fasten
aluminum heatsink to each side. You then build a
duct (not drawn) around the heatsinks and position a 
fan at the inlet of the duct to force air through the
heatsinks. The peltier cooler transfers heat from one
heatsink to the other, causing one side to get very
cold and the other to get very hot. Moisture from the
air will condense on the vanes of the cold heatsink
drip off (to be collected in a drip pan). The cold air
then passes through the hot side and regains it's lost
heat, thereby exhausting at about the same temperature
it entered at. This is a proven design, and is used
in the industrial and scientific worlds. A big peltier
cooler is under $20.00 USD, heatsinks are nearly free,
and the peltier cooler and fan run directly off of the
same 12V source. What else could you ask for?


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