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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Euronaut Update Feb.2003

Hi Submadmans, I know that I have to response to some offline letters..
..and will do that in a couple of days. 

Weather is fine but days are still short - so I am very busy with the 
sub in the evenings so just a short update for all.  

The mainfoundation beth for the diesel engine and the electric DC drive
are now in the machinery space. Also the crane-bar is in - .. yes I have
my crane inside the sub.. - all over the machinery-room length. 
Its a simple double T (or H) steel frame fitted on the "roof" and make
the installing of the compressors and engines etc. much more easy. 

192 Hp Shipsdiesel is here and also the 40 Kw electric DC 400V motor. 
Hopefully I can install them both in the summer time. 

Some progress also on the "Zentrale" (Controlroom) - I preasamble some
instruments like VHF Radio, GPS Plotter, Coulor Echosounder, 
Aircraft Gyro,  Aircraft el.Horizont, Aircraft Intercom and about two
douzend elektric gauge. All blind panels are done and awaiting
instruments.. have only four panel sizes types and one typ4 can be
replaces by two of typ3 or four of typ2 or.. so that I can later play
with the instruments positions. 

The bathroom is ready four outfitting and the same with the galley. 
I purchase the last 4 weeks over 90 ballvales and other stuffs -
sometimes I think to rename the unit : Ebaynaut.. 

But still a hell of work to do - I think that just 50% of all work 
is done - maybe less. Next step for about the next 14 days will be the
flooring and the workbench and the second air-compressor foundation in
the machinery space. 

See you - Carsten