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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure Hull (Pierre)

Can you post a drawing with dimensions of your model?
I would actually like to run some simulations on it.


--- Thijs Struijs <thijs-struijs@planet.nl> wrote:
> Pierre,
> About two weeks ago you offered me a computer
> simulation of my double endcap pressure hull. Well,
> i made the 3D drawing and i would like to send it to
> your friend. Can you give me an adress to sent it
> to. It's to big (1.62 MB) to send to the list. 
> I can imagine he has better thinks to do than
> calculating the design of some dutchman. If so,
> please tell me and i will try to find another way.
> Thank you very much.
> Thijs Struijs   

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