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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure hull
Walther, Michael,
Cousteau's saucer has a pressure hull that measures appr. 1950 x 1470 mm. It
is made of 3/4 inch mild steel. As far as i know it has an elliptical shape,
which means its major radius (the radius with witch you have to calculate)
is relatively smaller than that of the vesselheads i am thinking of. Because
of the size of the saucer it is still bigger than mine. (I made a drawing of
the ellips and mesured R=1290 mm). Elliptical vesselheads are unfortunately
not common in Europe.
I also vaguely remember seeing simulations of imploded vesselheads. The
crown (the "flat" part) was the part that buckled. Not the cilindrical or
the sharpely curved part. So the position of the hatch should not be
completely impossible i suppose.
There are other examples of vesselheads with big exentrical holes in it. For
instance the big front viewport in the Kitredge subs.
Greatings and thanks from
Thijs Struijs
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael B Holt" <tlohm@juno.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressure hull
> On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 09:22:40 +1000 "Walter Starck" writes:
> >This design is reminiscent of the very successful Costeau "Saucer"
> >minisub that made many dives to 1000' or more. It, however was
> >designed to operate in a horizontal orientation with the hatch in the
> >center of the upper side. As I recall it was made from two end caps.
> I can't do any web-browsing, so I can't see the design.
> But I do have the "diving saucer" patent issued to Cousteau.
> An excerpt of Claim 8 follows:
> 8. A self-propelled submserible vessel ... wherein the
> ratio of the equatorial diameter to the axis of revolution is
> approximately the value of [the square root of] 2, said
> shroud being an ellipsiod of revolution which is appreciably
> flatter than that of said hull.
> U.S. Patent number 3,103,195; issued Sept. 10, 1963, to
> J. Y. Cousteau et al. There are 11 U.S. patents and five
> non-U.S. patents cited as references.
> Mike H.
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