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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

Obviously you don't have a daughter yet, Warren.  My ex-wife referred to wing nuts as "those little turney things", and my daughter wasn't much better... though she did eventually learn to field strip and reassemble an Auto Ordnance Tommy Gun.  The mysteries of internal combustion engines will forever elude her.

On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 14:12, Warrend Greenway wrote:
I think that often times fathers don't realize that their
daughters are open to mechanical things, and so don't nudge
them in the right direction. I think it's shocking how few
young men have any interest in things mechanical. I know of
one besides myself in the area I live in. What's up? Where
have all the inventors and gear heads gone?


On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:35:36 +0800 "Warrend Greenway" writes:
>Universal constant. W=S/(H*H). Where w = women, S = sub, and H = hate! 
>Any variation from this rule proves conclusively that the woman in 
>question is on an entirely different plane of being.

Yeah, but why do they do this?   Are submarines (or autos, or airplanes,
or ... ) competition for them?    Or is this something that they do not
understand sufficiently?

My worry is that they'll think our subs are too dangerous.   The movies
don't help at all!   Almost every submarine movie includes a sinking or
a flooding emergency.

I suppose my plotting a replica of a wooden submarine isn't doing
my cause at home any good.   

Mike H.

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