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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Family member expresses interest!

During my aircraft time my Ma told me: 

Please fly safe.. not so high and not so fast..
(in other words.. fly near the ground and slow..)



> Dale A. Raby schrieb:
> Obviously you don't have a daughter yet, Warren.  My ex-wife referred
> to wing nuts as "those little turney things", and my daughter wasn't
> much better... though she did eventually learn to field strip and
> reassemble an Auto Ordnance Tommy Gun.  The mysteries of internal
> combustion engines will forever elude her.
> On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 14:12, Warrend Greenway wrote:
> > I think that often times fathers don't realize that their
> > daughters are open to mechanical things, and so don't nudge
> > them in the right direction. I think it's shocking how few
> > young men have any interest in things mechanical. I know of
> > one besides myself in the area I live in. What's up? Where
> > have all the inventors and gear heads gone?
> >
> > Warren.
> >
> > On Thu, 30 Jan 2003 10:35:36 폍 "Warrend Greenway" writes:
> > >Universal constant. W=S/(H*H). Where w = women, S = sub, and H = hate!
> > >Any variation from this rule proves conclusively that the woman in
> > >question is on an entirely different plane of being.
> >
> > Yeah, but why do they do this?   Are submarines (or autos, or airplanes,
> > or ... ) competition for them?    Or is this something that they do not
> > understand sufficiently?
> >
> > My worry is that they'll think our subs are too dangerous.   The movies
> > don't help at all!   Almost every submarine movie includes a sinking or
> > a flooding emergency.
> >
> > I suppose my plotting a replica of a wooden submarine isn't doing
> > my cause at home any good.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike H.
> >
> >
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> Dale A. Raby
> Editor/Publisher
> The Green Bay Web
> http://www.thegreenbayweb.com