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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] NEMOSUIT / Dutch Jules Verne Society...

On 30 Jan 2003 06:35:59 -0600 "Dale A. Raby"  writes:
>Found this rather interesting... also the link there to the Nautilus
>Minisub.   I see that the Nautilus is designed for ripping out the
>bottoms of wooden ships like Captain Nemo's...

Seems hostile to me .... but useful, these days of PWCs.   

> now, is it nuclear powered like Verne implied?

Verne stated that his sub was powered by sodium-mercury batteries.
Nuclear was the Disney explanation!

>  I also want to see somebody build an electric bottle gun.

Verne's were powered by compressed air and had tiny batteries
as bullets.   Does anyone know why the bullets would not work?
Can enough power be stored in something that small?   It's really
a capacitor.

When Williamson made "20,000 leagues" in 1916, they found 
that a standard Enfield worked underwater.    The bullet was
useful to about six feet, at which point it just dropped.  You can
see that happen in the movie!

Mike H.

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