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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc ussion

I guess I am referring to comments like:

"Why don't you just invent a teleportation device and "beam me down" in a
plastic garbage bag.  Oh yea, don't forget the synthetic gills that will be
surgically implanted prior to the dive.  What ya smokin'?"

I think that if this was aimed at me when entering a new group I would not
feel real good..

Anyways enough said, I won't carry this any further.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Carsten Standfuss" <MerlinSub@t-online.de>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc

> Hi Jeremy in general I agree with you.
> If somebody needs helps and if I have time and I can help - I will help.
> But Jeffrey never explain how his idear really works - or maybe I
> do not understand it - or miss something.
> If somebody told to me :
> "I have a good idear to build a submarine and better than everything you
> have done the last 20 years in this field - but I never will explain how
> its works.." I will laugh - until the time he explain his idear..
> The question is : Why he ask this forum - if he wants not to disscus
> his idear ?
> "I am thinking all the time outside the box
>  - but hardware can be build only inside the box."
> very best regards Carsten
> Jeremy wrote :
> I for one would like to express my disappointment in this forum.
> Instead of engaging someone and coaching them on the pitfalls of
> subdesign, there
> are those who have ridiculed or treated ignorance with disdain rather
> than education.  We cannot educate those who leave this list feeling
> humiliated.
> The behavior of some here has been such that the reputation of this list
> is tarnished.  I would bet that almost everyone here has had an idea
> they
> thought revolutionary only to find out it has been done or the physics
> won't work. I know for me it was disappointing.  The fact that a person
> came
> here and was laughed off the forum is in my opinion inexcusable.
> Sincerely,
> Jeremy Crawford