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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Disc ussion

Hi Jeremy in general I agree with you. 
If somebody needs helps and if I have time and I can help - I will help. 

But Jeffrey never explain how his idear really works - or maybe I 
do not understand it - or miss something. 

If somebody told to me : 
"I have a good idear to build a submarine and better than everything you
have done the last 20 years in this field - but I never will explain how
its works.." I will laugh - until the time he explain his idear.. 

The question is : Why he ask this forum - if he wants not to disscus
his idear ?

"I am thinking all the time outside the box 
 - but hardware can be build only inside the box."

very best regards Carsten

Jeremy wrote : 

I for one would like to express my disappointment in this forum. 
Instead of engaging someone and coaching them on the pitfalls of
subdesign, there
are those who have ridiculed or treated ignorance with disdain rather
than education.  We cannot educate those who leave this list feeling
The behavior of some here has been such that the reputation of this list
is tarnished.  I would bet that almost everyone here has had an idea
thought revolutionary only to find out it has been done or the physics
won't work. I know for me it was disappointing.  The fact that a person
here and was laughed off the forum is in my opinion inexcusable.  
Jeremy Crawford