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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Battery question

Loading battery is the problem.. creates hydrogen fummes. 

Hatch should be open and airventilation by little 
pipe on a hose should fix it.  

On a diesel-electric sub the diesel can eat the hydrogen during 
chargeing the batteries. 


Warrend Greenway schrieb:
> Hey, I have a battery question, for those information buffs: What would
> the overall dangers and benefits of placing the batteries inside the
> pressure hull be? What do you do about battery venting, if they are in
> water-tight battery pods? This isn't random, I was laying out parts of
> the OSS pressure hull and found that the batteries fit neatly inside the
> base of the hull. They could be sealed with an air tight  bolt-on deck.
> Any input? Should I give this up now and place the batteries in pods
> outside the hull??? Any input would be great!
> Also, for those info buffs, what about compiling a list on applicable
> battery information for review?
> Warren.
> --
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