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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the Personal_Submersibles_Discussion


  You need to be real careful about encouraging sub designs, that if you had
half an understanding about diving physics, you would throw in the trash
can.  Which is the same place the nuclear psubs idea needs to go.
  Jeffrey obviously needs to go take a scuba class before he ever puts
another pencil to paper or posts again on this forum.
  I mean Jeffery coming to this site, proposing and defending (defending is
what I really have a problem with) his design with a bunch of new age,
metaphysical, mind over matter, bullsh*t is down right insulting.
  It would be like someone posting on a home built aircraft site and saying
"Well, if we leap from a tall building and dismiss the conventional
interpretation of gravity and we embrace a new thinking, then we no longer
dance within gravity's clutches but in turn, we fly!!"  Sound ridiculous???
Well not as ridiculous as the rubber sub.
  I think what Jeffery needs to do is pressure compensate his rubber sub and
ballast it with propane and then go stick a fork in his eye.  Maybe someone
who's been here longer than six months can explain to him the fork comment.
  Normally I just sit back, observe and stay quiet but when someone brings
something as absurd as this to the table and is encouraged to discuss and
explain his idea, that's just too much.

I'm out,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pierre Poulin" <pipo305@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the

> Hi,
> I say, let's keep an open mind here. I'm curious about any new idea. And
> wasn't very long  ago that I heard about nuclear psubs...
> I want to hear your idea! And then, we could all give constructive
> on it and maybe improve it?
> Pierre
> >From: Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com>
> >Reply-To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> >Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Welcome to the
> >Personal_Submersibles_Discussion
> >Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 20:19:37 -0700
> >
> >And as it gets smaller the more pressure is inside.  I don't think that
> >rubber is *as* strong as steel, but more *pliable*.  Without a doubt
> >steel should be used.  And we're not talking strength as much as we are
> >structural integrity.  Do you want to risk your life with an
> >experimental rubber design or with a proven steel design?
> >Carl
> >
> >
> >--
> >"You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
> >it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
> >you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai
> >Khan
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