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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS spec sheet

On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 12:35:45 +0200 Jari Siikarla
<jari.siikarla@vertex.fi> writes:
>At 11:18 15.1.2003 +0800, "Warrend Greenway" wrote:
>>I am not trying in any way to quell the idea. I just want some
>>explainations of the mating system. I have never seen a flange on this
>>scale work, but that is not to say it isn't practical. 
>The finnish WWII submarine "Saukko" was made so that it could be 
>broken to pieces for transportation and reassembled.

The Japanese subs that attacked Pearl harbor were made in three
sections bolted together.   

The British X-craft were in three sections, also bolted together.

The Aluminaut was bolted together, but it was never intended to
be taken apart.

Saukko was probably the biggest sub ever made that way and
intended to be taken apart and rebuilt.


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