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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] A few more useful links

Water scrubbers, eh?  Cool.  

Doc wrote:
> DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE SCRUBBER MATERIAL; http://www.atlimp.com/h2oscrub.htm
> Manned Submersible Improvement Options; http://www.marine.whoi.edu/ships/SeaCliff/report.htm
> Stock and custom seals; http://www.epm.com/index.htm
> PVHO's & hyperbarics; http://www.reynoldspolymer.com/hypern.htm
> Power stuff; http://www.victronenergie.com/
> Stirling motors; http://www.stirlingenergy.com/
> Supercavitating; http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=0002A839-2906-1CBF-B4A8809EC588EEDF&pageNumber=2&catID=9
> Motors & controllers; http://www.lincolngolf.com/golfcartmotors.htm
> Electric Boat Association of the Americas ; http://www.electricboat.com/

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