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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] OSS bolted frame and sections

Ian Roxborough schrieb:

> > Note: Modular would not be bolt together. Pressure hull would
> > still be a welded piece, the tanks would be arranged in groups
> > though, so only one set of designs is needed. Step and repeat.
> I really like the idea of the pressure hull being two sections
> that can be bolted together.  This will make maintaining and
> upgrading the submarine a lot easier.  Plus, if you where to
> add a diesel, you could add a longer section.  If we do go
> with a bolted section pressure hull, then we would put the
> insides on rail (previous mension on psubs) so the contents
> could slide out for servicing.
> If we have bolt on modules, we will have to make sure that
> if one or more of these modules floods the boat doesn't become
> endangered.
> Ian.

Hi Ian - The Euronaut has the bolted frame in the machinery space. 
The Additional battery, gas or whatever section has a diamter
of 2,5 meter a length of 2 meter and a weight of 9,817 t with
a displacement of 9,817 m3 ;-) The boats move from 16 to 18 meters
is I decided somedays to add them. 
If I add them it will be surprisley cheap - and to plug in 
the ready build section will cost me a weekend or two..

Warrend - you keep out the bolted section frame  - but it looks like on
the list that most guys like it - for what reason it moves out ? 

The only reason I can see is maybe the additional price ? 
You can save so much building time - work in this saved time regular
and you save money with the sectionframe..

Modules length should not terminate like 2 meter and 4 meters. 
The modules can have different lengths depents on what they contains..
The just have to have design to a formular like 1t = 1m3. 
Please note that with the additional section the boat lost a little

  Workshop with Psub2003 under construction : 
  I      drawings     I       I  drawing       I
  I 		      I	Table I		       I
  D     ___________             ____    __     I
  O    /      ____ I           I    \__/  I    I
  O    I bow (____)		stern_===II    I
  R    \___________I           I____/  \__I    I
  I                                            I
  I                    weldgear                I

regards Carsten