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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Shark Skin Effect

I wonder, instead of rolling it into the surface of the steel... a very costly process... could it be attached as an applique... maybe something like vinyl glued to the surface?  Maybe even an epoxy paint with the pattern rolled into it as it dries?  Just a thought.

On Mon, 2003-01-13 at 16:21, Garry Muir wrote:
Hi Folks

There was some discussion a while back about sharks skin and the way the 
denticles produce a laminate flow over it reducing drag. I was looking 
through some scratch notes I made a few years back on trawl doors and I 
am quite sure a company tried rolling a pattern on steel plate that 
would replicate the effect and for some reason I think it may have been 
NETS of Seattle.
I will delve into my files or should I say large confused heap on the 
floor and get some more info, it may not be a practical finish for a sub 
hull but it may have some advantages on control surfaces and appendages.

Regards, Garry

Dale A. Raby
The Green Bay Web
