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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Open source submarine

All very good points. I like the GNU too, since then we don't even have to cover
legal cost to protect ourelves if there is a problem. Metric units are fine, I'll
personally convert before use, but it doesn't matter to me, since there are probably
more metric users out there. And VERY good point that this is concept only. If we
end up funding a protoype, or build it indiviually is a separate issue. This is 
pure design so that we have something to build when we a ready.


> I posted my comment and then went to bed...what have I done?!!!!
> OK, my half cent's worth...
> Standards should be metric... my father, an old American carpenter, will
> ostracise me if he finds out, but oh well.
> Other standards should be things everyone can use... an internation
> standard, if there is one.
> Engineering platform might be open source... but this is probably not a
> requirement.  The finished documentation, however, should be readable by
> any platform.  I would hate to see the final results produce a document
> with a Windoze proprietory format that I could not even read.
> Language should be English... I can offer my services and the services
> of a house-mate here for translation to and from French, Deutsch,
> Italian, Spanish, Yiddish, and Hebrew... the last three being her
> weakest languages.
> The ultimate goal might be a dry submersible operating at one atmosphere
> that can handle one or two people.  Idealy, it should be something that
> ordinary folks with more time than money could build in the garage on
> weekends.  Another concept might be that the design parameters include
> the goal of making it something that can be trailered and launched like
> any outboard motor powered surface craft.  This might mean avoiding the
> use of things like 3/4".... oops... I mean three cm thick steel hulls.
> It should be in concept only... though we might endeavor to collaborate
> on a prototype built by one individual.  The goal would be a set of
> plans and construction documents.
> We need a lawyer to draw up the license to protect us both from somebody
> stealing the idea and trying to charge us a user fee as well as to
> protect us from liability.  I know one I might be able to interest.  The
> GNU General Public License would probably serve us as a good model.  If
> there is a lawyer on this list, please feel free to jump in, as I can't
> volunteer the services of someone else.... I can only ask him.
> I know some people who are fairly well respected within the Linux
> community... one who is currently working on some kind of medical
> career... I'll ask.
> We might need help with financing any prototype.  I know an accountant
> who is a scuba diver... unfortunately, she hates my guts and wants me to
> die a horrible death just now... then again, getting me to build and
> dive in a submarine of my own construction might interest her.
> There are about a thousand other things that come to mind... but I am
> not really the one to provide the focus, being only a land-lubber with a
> lot of wild dreams.
> On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 03:07, Steven Mills wrote:
> > >From: Warrend Greenway <dub@linuxmail.org>
> > >
> > 
> > > Doc recommended Phil for the coordinator, so I now ask Phil: You in? If so
> > > take to reins and let's get going! There's a lotta water out there to
> > conquer!
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > I can perform some of the drafting tasks. I have a complete
> > studio I've been wanting to setup and organize. I have all
> > the tools including templates, ships curves, splines...etc.,
> > including a 12x12 Summa Graphics Tablet and scanners.
> > Most of the software I have are Windows based since I
> > haven't setup Linux to my liking yet; Rhino for 3D rendering,
> > if that proves to be suitable to all.
> > I haven't programmed in years so it will take me a while to get
> > back up to snuff and I haven't kept up with compiler upgrades,
> > so I have old C and Assembler programs, FORTH interps,
> > and cross compilers.
> > I've got the tools just tell me where I can fit in to do the most good.
> > 
> > --Steve
> > 
> > 
> Dale A. Raby
> Editor/Publisher
> The Green Bay Web
> http://www.thegreenbayweb.com
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