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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] how to get out of this email group:...Side Bar

Hello Dan,
Where is this going? I don't know. It's just the beginning. I believe part
of this was meant to rally the members, hands-on members, like
yourself, and the wishful thinkers like me and so many others to
participate in an endeavor that could give real insights in the processes
of designing and, at least on paper, the construction of a real pSub.
It will certainly be a *test* in how well we cooperate with one another
and how we gather our personal resources to see this project to
completion. Anybody who wants to participate should be able to, but
this shouldn't turn in to such a monster as to overshadow the original
purpose and theme of the pSubs forum and leave some members with
their questions and comments without answers and feedback or some
response, therefore feeling left-out or overlooked.
( I don't think any member would let this happen ).
As far as the *age* thing, I don't think this should be a concern. I
haven't reached that government prescribed retirement age yet, but
I can tell you some of the local merchants here give me a senior
citizen's discount without asking me first ( or my I.D. ). I protested
at first, but they still give it to me...Hey ...I'll take the discount! And
the coup de gras was when a young woman in the later stages of
pregnancy offered me her seat on a bus....Jeez...do I look that bad!
I say if you got pencil, paper, and a brain then you qualify. The interest
in pSubs is implied and a given or you wouldn't be on this forum.
Heck, I still have my K&E slide rule that I use quite often especially
when there is a power failure or the batteries to my calculator go out.
And I don't plan to retire, so I'm going to chug along until the batteries
in *me* go out  :-)
I think if you don't consider participation in this project then we would lose
a valuable resource and years of experience and wisdom. As I said, this is
just starting-out. Even if the ground rules were to be laid and tasks assigned
I can guarantee it will change over time. I haven't seen a project that
didn't undergo change over time.
Well, don't think too hard about this...just hop in and give it a whirl.
Thanks, --Steve
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan H.
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] how to get out of this email group:...Side Bar

As far as I'm concerned, you enthusiasm is great.  For years this group has been made up of a "hot and heavy few" with a bunch of sideliners following along.  That's normal.  Many join in of a while and then fade to the side to return when the situation fits again.  A good healthy mix. 
I used to do a lot of mechanical design.  I still do some but I'm must say, I'm from the old school.  When, to be doing anything with electronics involved, meant you used a hand held calculator.   I have dabbled with AutoCAD some but still feel just as comfortable with a drafting machine.  I can hear the young guys now.  Wow!  An actual living dinosaur, and he's part of this group too.  Truth be told , I bet I'm not the only one. 
My point is I would appreciate a little clear explanation of what this is all about as it's evolving if possible.  I know you all don't have the time to bring an old guy up to speed totally, but we on this list are from many different backgrounds and may not understand what is coming together and where we could contribute unless things are lied out clearly. 
I'm sure I can contribute something, if only to point out some of the pitfalls of constructing the K-350 I now have 3/4 complete.  I'm not interested in building another sub but will help the project where I can.  
Thanks for listening,  Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Mills
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 1:05 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] how to get out of this email group:...Side Bar

I hope all this talk and discussion about Linux, programming,
sensing devices...etc., hasn't ostracized anyone or cause a
sense of exclusion.
I know I can get caught up in the excitement and prospects of an
interesting project.  I know this is not the intent of the current thread
about "Open Source Submarine".
I have found myself at times in the sidelines observing and reading
email, wishing I could comment or suggest something, but not
knowing enough or not having the understanding enough to ask
meaningful questions. ( That does not imply that " I " feel excluded
personally...I don't ! ). Learning is part of the process here on pSubs
and sometimes I find sitting back, taking it all in gives me new material
to research. This forum has kept me quite busy and often up late at
night reading, thinking, and gives me the incentive to create new concepts
and ideas.
Well, I hope I'm not out-of-line in my comments here or too sentimental
or pollyannish. If I'm reading this all wrong then my apologies.
Bruno, I hope you're not leaving due to feeling frustrated in some way.
If you're here for subs then I say you're in the right place. If not then
send an email to:
(write the message, without the stars)
*unsubscribe personal_submersibles*

----- Original Message -----
From: bruno masse
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] how to get out of this email group

explaine how i can get out of this email group please