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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Open source submarine

>From: Warrend Greenway <dub@linuxmail.org>
> A guy from the biz could be good, or could be bad. What we really need is
> someone who dreams of submersibles 24/7 has an acceptable set of skills/
> experience...And no bias towards profit, on this project. There are an
> awfull lot of skills around the table, we just need the person who can
> tie it all together.

Where is this leading to? The actual physical construction
of a psub or the full conceptual development of a psub down to
working drawings, details, materials list...etc., short of building it?
The drafting alone are seperate processes, ie., electrical,
hydraulics, hvac/piping, propulsion...etc. that must be all
coordinated and tied into a construction document. I assume
the standard will be metric. What standard symbols and notations
will we use? I assume an international standard here, too?
If we use a CAD package then it would behoove us to agree to
use the same one and a layering and labelling scheme to
